M.Sc. Jessica L. Bitter
Research Associate @ Hochschule RheinMain
Wirtschaftszweig | Economic Branch
- Hochschule / Forschung | University / Research
Persönlicher Fokus | Personal Focus
- Junge GI | Young GI
- Design & Usability / UX & UI
- Networking
Bio | Bio
Jessica L. Bitter is researching in the field of Human Computer Interaction, where she currently is a PhD student in immersive Augmented Reality (AR) and Co-Presence. Her focus is the cultural heritage domain, where she bellieves that AR can enhance not only the learning during a museum visit, but also the "wow"-aspect of the experience, and the social presence when it comes to multi-user applications.
Jessica L. Bitter is researching in the field of Human Computer Interaction, where she currently is a PhD student in immersive Augmented Reality (AR) and Co-Presence. Her focus is the cultural heritage domain, where she bellieves that AR can enhance not only the learning during a museum visit, but also the "wow"-aspect of the experience, and the social presence when it comes to multi-user applications.