Dr. Markus von der Heyde
CEO @ SemaLogic / vdH-IT
Wirtschaftszweig | Economic Branch
- IT-Berater / Outsourcing | IT Consultant / Outsourcing
Persönlicher Fokus | Personal Focus
- KI | AI
- Digitalisierung | Digitization
- Bildung | Education
- Rechenzentren | Data Center
Bio | Bio
As part of vdH-IT, Markus von der Heyde advises colleges, universities, and public cultural and research institutions on a wide range of digitalisation topics (governance, organisation, strategy), and conducts independent research on these topics (see ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Markus-Von-Der-Heyde). Since 2018, he has been an adjunct professor at the School for Interactive Arts and Technology (SIAT) at Simon Fraser University, Vancouver. He is a co-founder of SemaLogic which uses semantic and structural logic technologies to automatically map reference frameworks and validate formal language regulatory text. Recently, we became one of the two speakers of the national EA SIG in Germany. See further publications at Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.de/citations?hl=de&user=ue1kFZ8AAAAJ&view_op=list_works&sortby=pubdate.
As part of vdH-IT, Markus von der Heyde advises colleges, universities, and public cultural and research institutions on a wide range of digitalisation topics (governance, organisation, strategy), and conducts independent research on these topics (see ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Markus-Von-Der-Heyde). Since 2018, he has been an adjunct professor at the School for Interactive Arts and Technology (SIAT) at Simon Fraser University, Vancouver. He is a co-founder of SemaLogic which uses semantic and structural logic technologies to automatically map reference frameworks and validate formal language regulatory text. Recently, we became one of the two speakers of the national EA SIG in Germany. See further publications at Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.de/citations?hl=de&user=ue1kFZ8AAAAJ&view_op=list_works&sortby=pubdate.